Google recruiting video and the appearance of female geeks
I have watched this video twice in search of what is so wrong about it. Conclusion: it is a perfectly ok video. The video is part of Google’s campaign for recruiting female engineers, and according to others it is ‘slightly off-key’, and it is also worth this very funny parody.
Really, the video is not that bad. Actually, I would say that it is not bad at all. Although it could be better, of course. But hey, room for improvement is always stimulating, isn’t it?
The worst of the video are definitely Brin’s high heels, and the bit about ‘Google is so cool they paid me 75% of my salary during 12 weeks I took off after giving birth’ is simply appalling for those watching from other countries (countries with better social systems in place). Geeks stealing each other’s undies from the laundromat is also an interesting idea… which will probably give me nightmares tonight…
There is one thing in the video that has me confused, though. Google’s women don’t look anything like the PSP users featured in the new PSP publicity campaign. Might it be that Google is getting all the plain female geeks, and Sony all the gorgeous ones?
(found via Misbehaving; PSP ad found via Pixel y Dixel)