Google talks next week in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia
Following the success of the talks we gave last year, a bunch of Spanish Googlers (including myself) will be giving a new round of Tech Talks on Google technologies and culture, followed by Q&A sessions. These are the dates, times and locations:
Monday, November 12th, 12:30 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Salón de Actos Planta Baja del Bloque I Facultad de Informática Campus de Montegancedo 28660, Boadilla del Monte Madrid (map)
Tuesday, November 13th, 12:00 Universidad Complutense de Madrid Salón de Actos Facultad de Informática Santesmases s/n 28040 Madrid (map)
Wednesday, November 14th, 12:30 Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña Aula Master, Edifici A3 Campus Nord 08034 Barcelona (map)
Thursday, November 15th, 12:30 Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Escuela Técnica Superior de Informática Aplicada Camino de Vera s/n 46022 Valencia (map)
Drop by and say hi!
Update: You can submit your CV online here. If you want to be considered for the interview round that will take place in Madrid in early December, please submit your resume before November 26th.
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