Quotes on the process of writing

Some interesting ideas about writing have called my attention while browsing through “How to Get a PhD”. This book was recommended to me by my MSc thesis supervisor as a source of insightful observations about thesis writing; though it focuses on the PhD process, many ideas are also applicable to MSc theses. Here I quote some useful bits.


Written language has been referred to as “the means of discovery of new knowledge”.


Writing makes people think about their work in a different way.


You should deliberately leave your work in the middle […]. Your psychological need to complete the task provides you with extra internal pressure to return in order to finish what you have started. It also makes re-starting easier and quicker.


They suggest that “think-while-you-write” strategies be consciously adopted from the start of the writing process and not lapsed into by default when “think-then-write” strategies have failed.


The process of writing and rewriting is key.


Our recommendation is that you approach every piece of writing in the following way. […]

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