Entries tagged "Career"
- Things Nobody Told Me About Being a Software Engineer
- The Demands of 'Executive Presence' in the Workplace are Exhausting
- One thing I've learned since leaving Google
- 'Unprofessional' deemed unprofessional
- No right answers
- Drive: a sure way to distinguish yourself from all those other straight-out-of-college candidates
- The real meaning of work experience
- 10 essential steps to get to the top of your field are 9 steps too many
- Passion and hard work is all it takes
- A sample skill list
- 6 common mistakes to avoid in your resume
- Passion, key characteristic of a good job candidate
- Stop "fine tuning" your resume and, you know, just make yourself useful, or something...
- Remember to "frame" well your work, if you want more recognition
- Optimizing techie candidate resume pre-screening
- On career paths
- Google talks next week in Madrid and Granada (Spain)
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